Saturday, July 02, 2005


Happy July 4th weekend!

July 4th here means fireworks shows tonight, tomorrow night and the night of the 4th at Navy Pier and in Monroe Harbor. I love fireworks, so this is perfect for me. Especially tonight, when I got to sit in my comfy living room, watching the show with a mostly unobstructed view (nothing really blocks it, just have to lean on the window). Because it's a holiday weekend, it's a different fireworks show from the usual - lots of red, white and blue:

The building distributed a notice today about the fireworks shows, traffic problems and sundeck (patio on 16th floor) rules. Because we live downtown, a lot of the streets are closing tomorrow for the fireworks show and you need special driving passes to put in the window in order to get to the building. Not really an issue, since I have no desire to take the car out all weekend (too much congestion, too many tourists), but kind of funny that you need a special pass to go home.

Some of the other amusing things on the list:

After explaining that there will be a lot of people on the sundeck for the show: "Please keep your entertaining to a contained area."

"Please also note that this year a family of ducks has taken up residence on the southwest corner of the sundeck. We request that no one disturb the habitat we have created or feed the ducks. We also apologize for any inconvenience our new residents may temporarily pose."

There's ducks downstairs? I've been on the sundeck for previous fireworks shows, but I've never seen ducks. And I've been in that corner of the sundeck. Nice to know we have some new neighbors. ;-)

"If you are out late, please be courteous to your neighbors that go to bed early. Keep the noise level down to a minimum at night." Shouldn't this apply generally to the building, not just the sundeck?

"No Ball or Frisbee playing allowed on the deck." 16 floors up, I wonder why...

"Please refrain from throwing any object off the roof. It is very life threatening to the people below." Couldn't most of these rules just be filed under common sense?

"Please dispose of cigarettes in the containers provided on the deck. Do not use the planters as a trash can." People use planters to dispose of their cigarettes? Bad.

"No nude sunbathing." I can't imagine why anyone would do this anyway. Not only would all the lower-floor west-facing apartments be able to see you, but any apartment in a neighboring building above the 16th floor could see you too. An even tan isn't worth that much exposure.

And with that, off to watch TV. Yay for holiday weekends that I feel like give me an excuse to do nothing.

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