Friday, July 15, 2005


Filling in the blanks from more searches to get here:

Swollen mosquito bites itch so much that you want to rip your skin off

Hot guy in Diet Pepsi commercial is some guy that I have never seen

MBE standards of review outline is not here, but try just memorizing this (I hope it's right!): rational - legitimate - plaintiff; intermediate - substantial - important - govt; strict - necessary - compelling - govt

Quarter system sucks

Jack & Bobby finale made me cry and I can't wait for the DVD

Barbri Paced Program is completely unrealistic and a way that Barbri tries to torture you with guilt before you realize it's unrealistic

Escape-A-Date involves lying or deception

Loudy Tourky's butt is her own business, not yours

Blog and PMBR and simulated exam are things that I talked about today

Study for the bar exam and break-up are two things that should not happen at the same time for sanity's sake, but might have been a cause-and-effect relationship

Restaurant crayon usually looks like all other crayons

Upcoming Pixar movies include Cars

Previous Superbowl locations are probably better found on a sports site

Noise revenge could be sweet

Yeah, okay, so that sounded like it would be more fun in my mind than it turned out. But since I'm not one for deleting, you're stuck with it. :)


Avid Diva said...

Out of curiosity, how do you find out search terms for your blog??

Marissa said...

I use It tells you lots and lots of stuff. It helps me waste time when I should be studying. :)