Monday, July 11, 2005

These Dreams

For the past couple of nights, I had dreams about studying. It was a confusing and unsettling feeling whenever I woke up from those dreams. I had visions of the charts I was making for the subjects, and I think 2 nights ago, I was memorizing the elements to something or other. While it's great that I'm studying, I don't think I'm learning anything in my dreams.

Last night, in contrast, there were some old motifs - subway trains and train stations - but also a big chocolate cake decoration demonstration! I wasn't one of the ones doing the decorating; I was just an observer, but I knew the decorators. There was something about running out of seats, time, certain people needed to be there. But I don't remember anything about those details. I just remember how good the cake looked.

It's not like I was watching Food Network on chocolate cakes before I went to sleep. It was a pizza challenge. So you'd think my dream would be about pizza. Nope. Chocolate cake.

Don't really know what it all means... or why my dreams suddenly shifted from chart studying to cake decorating. But it's a much more fuzzy feeling when you wake up after having viewed cake for a while. Only problem is that now I want a melt-in-your-mouth frosted chocolate cake. And I'm on my way to Barbri instead. How disappointing.

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