Wednesday, July 20, 2005


I finished my outlines. Finally.

It took me until 7 pm, but I finally finished property. Alvin had come home only a few minutes before I was done, and there was a card from our yoga teacher who was out on maternity leave in the mail. It said she was coming back to teach, but we weren't sure if she meant today or next week. Took a chance and went down to the gym, and it was today! What a nice surprise. Although I hate that, with every yoga class or gym visit, I feel how much weaker I've gotten since the one before. All this bar studying is really taking a toll on my body, and the physical effects are quite noticeable to me while exercising. I wonder how long it will take after the bar to regain my strength.

So what else did I do besides the property outline? Not a whole lot. Didn't get home from yoga until close to 9, then had dinner and watched Empire, did the MCs for NY agency and commercial paper (horrible). I did do all the yellow box questions from the PMBR answer book (there were 44), so I guess that counts for something. I should have done better on those than I did, I think. Also amusing to me was how my highest percentage correct out of the yellow box questions was in property. Oh, and I did the conflicts of laws MCs after my shower. Those turned out much much much better than commercial paper.

I plan to actually get sleep tonight and to wake up at a decent hour. I was functioning quite well today, considering I was working on about 5.5 hours of sleep. But that's not a pattern I want to keep up for this final week. So tonight I will sleep before 4 am. :)

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