Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Because I think about useless things during Barbri lectures, I wondered if Harry had broken a disciplinary rule on SATC when he started having sex with Charlotte. Was he still her lawyer when they started, or did he wait until the divorce was final? Since it was a domestic relations matter, that would be a big no-no if Harry started a sexual relationship with Charlotte while she was still the client. Tsk tsk. But I can't remember the exact order. I haven't watched the series since May.

It was a short fireworks display tonight. Which is good, because I had to get back to work. It is a little annoying though, that I won't be able to finish off this domestic relations outline tonight because we haven't yet finished the lecture. But what can you do.

I had a lot of baby carrots & hummus around dinnertime, and then ate a dinner portion of tortellini. I feel full, but then I ate a chocolate bar. This is a bad, bad situation. Must stop eating! Especially since I had to skip the gym again today, since I didn't get home from Barbri until 2, which left very little time to do anything at all before designated gym time. I can't wait until Sunday night, when there's no more obligations (Barbri or PMBR) and I really can just study. I need that time.

But before that... must finish all the outlines, so I actually will be able to study. I'm going in alphabetical order, and I'm still in the Cs. I printed contracts today, so after I'm done with typing up the stuff I do have for domestic relations and take a shower, it's on to corporations. Whee.

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