Sunday, July 17, 2005


Since my last post, all I've done is finish my Torts outline. (Truly pathetic, considering how late in the game it is.) But now it's stapled and in the nice outline packet pile, and it's moved over on my message board from the "to do" column to the "done" column. A good feeling, even if not a huge accomplishment. (That would be saved for property.)

And then I went on a little bit of a clutter purge. I hate working when things are messy and cluttered, which isn't good, because whenever I'm caught up in something, things are always cluttered. Barbri, unopened mail and a lot of random crap took residence on the couch with me and my blanket. The coffee table on which my computer sits was also overrun by random bar papers, bar books, unopened mail, candy and moisturizer bottles. I had to get rid of all the stuff; it was driving me crazy.

I also started putting Barbri books back in the big boxes they gave us, because I'm getting sick of looking at their taunting green covers. MPQ? Don't need it, I've got Study Smart. Simulated MBE book? No, I haven't finished going over the answers, but I don't really want to see it anymore, and am not completely sure I have time to finish going over the answers, and in any event, just went over the 200 PMBR questions the past 2 days and didn't want to see the book. I also threw the PMBR simulated exam books in there with them. This will help for later in the week when I'm trying to figure out what to pack to bring back to NY with me. This also occurred to me yesterday: I don't have the time to think about what to pack and to actually pack! How am I supposed to plan now for packing stuff for the bar, family events, apartment hunting, etc.? I'm going back to NY for 2 weeks - comfortable test-taking clothes probably won't be appropriate for the entire time. Yet, right now, it's all I know. But back to the green books... trying to figure out what else I can stuff in the boxes. I can't wait until I'm done with the outlines. Then I'm throwing the CMR in there with as much force as I can!

It's by no means neat here now, but it will pass for the time being. I'd like to take a shower now, but remembered that I was supposed to call Dell tonight before my warranty expires soon (I don't have time for stupid crap like this!) and I feel guilty for just taking a break and don't want to take 3 consecutive breaks, so I guess maybe instead I'll suffer through a couple of pages of Fed Jur and then go for a shower. I'd really like to finish another outline tonight, because there's so much on the list for tomorrow (on top of all the friggin' errands - yes, I am feeling hostile towards them even if they're good like calling the travel agent), but we all know how productive I can be. Sigh.

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