Saturday, May 14, 2005


Waking up late (because you stupidly went to sleep late) + trying to go to sleep early to put your routine back on track = not enough friggin' hours in the day to get things done.

Of course, this is all my fault and I shouldn't complain. I'm the one who couldn't get myself to go to bed at a decent hour last night, despite not doing much of importance. I'm the one who didn't wake up early. I'm the one who is completely unproductive during the day. I'm the one who hasn't kept up with work this quarter as much as I should have, and am thus feeling the horrible late-stage pressure.

But I need to stop complaining and just suck it up. My problem is that I sit here wondering where I'm going to find the time to do things and then get frustrated because they don't fit into the schedule. Argh. Like working out. I wanted to get up, do an hour of yoga or something cardio, take a shower and then start working. It's almost noon and I've... eaten a container of yogurt. Yippee. And working out is hard to fit into the day when you're trying to get work done. Such accounts for my rapidly expanding tummy. And I hate it.

So here's what I'm going to do for the rest of the day. I'm going to blog to both figure out what I'm doing (and get myself moving) and keep myself accountable. (Like I used to do in the past with my lists. I like lists.) I'm going to put the Ten Minute Solution DVD in, and take breaks to do some much-needed exercise. And I'm going to work on Venture Capital until my brain hurts (shouldn't take that long, unfortunately). While watching QVC. But first I'm going to take a shower.

So here's the to-do list:
  1. Take a shower (quickly! ... meaning like 20 minutes).
  2. Venture Capital Chapter 1
  3. Eat lunch
  4. Venture Capital Chapter 2
  5. Kickboxing break
  6. Venture Capital Chapter 3
  7. Pilates break
  8. Venture Capital Chapter 4
  9. Ballet break (these breaks may not be after the chapters though, because they are long chapters!)
  10. Venture Capital Chapter 5
  11. Cardio break
  12. Eat dinner
  13. Highlight marriage packet (hey, brain needs a break from business stuff!)
  14. Yoga break
  15. Sleep early
I doubt I'll get all that done today, especially since my productivity rate is low low low when reading from the big red book. But I'll try.

And QVC is nice for background. They've had a Dr. Wayne Dyer on talking about his books (The Power of Intention, the 10 Secrets for Success). I don't know a thing about them, because all I keep thinking is that he looks like Caleb from the O.C. And before the Dyer hour, they had a patio & garden hour (which I caught the end). After seeing that Garden Grabber, why would anyone get a regular rake again?

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