Monday, May 23, 2005


It's done. 1 down, 3 more to go. I can't wait until Saturday night when I get to go to bed without an alarm. It's going to be great.

The exam was okay, I suppose. I hope I passed. It was significantly less scary than it could have been. That doesn't mean I did well though. After all, I did essentially leave one question blank because I just couldn't think of an answer. But hopefully what I did know (thank you, previous securities classes) will be enough to pass.

What I didn't expect was how long my internet browser would take to open when I tried to email my exam after it was over. People were lining up to check out and my browser still wasn't open! I ended up clicking on it about 5 times, and finally, about 3 minutes later, they all opened. I'm not sure what caused the hiccup that made it take so long to open. But I felt so conspicuous holding up the line. Last thing I expected this morning was for a computer problem like that.

Professional responsibility exam tomorrow. I'll probably study my MPRE outline, flip through the book, read the rules. Significantly less pressure than today's exam since we've already been through the fire during the MPRE.

But right now, I'm watching L&O after watching an episode of Buffy where I had no idea what was going on. I love afternoon TV. Now that's one thing I'll miss about going to school.

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