Monday, May 23, 2005


I'm so sleepy. My eyes are resisting being forced to stay open, which should make for interesting driving (sigh) and test-taking. Less than 4 hours sleep is really just not acceptable. I'm looking forward to an early afternoon nap with glee.

As for the exam... in a few hours, this too shall pass. The next time I sit in front of my screen typing on Blogger I will be one exam further along on my journey toward the end of law school, and hopefully relieved, a little bit lighter and happier. Of course, I'll probably still be anxious about whether or not I passed, but we all know that comes from the fact that I have a wonderful inability to predict how I've done on an exam. I just hope this grade comes more swiftly than the one I'm currently waiting on... that one's been over 2 months. And I hope the grade is passing! (Well, all of them, really!)

Alright, it's time for the last minute push.... and time for me to say adieu until this afternoon. I hope you have a wonderful Monday morning!

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